Mahila Mandal Barmer Agor

Happy to Get Back Vision

Inder singh/ Om karan singh is 70 years old residing in samey ka tala Post: - Khabdala Tehsil Sheo. Dist Barmer. Family condition is very poor and depends upon agriculture and animal husbandry. He belongs to very poor economic background. Day by day his sight becoming low, he was literally blind because of well-developed cataract in right eye. He was facing problems in seeing with his left eye due to low vision as well as in doing personal routine work such as bath, washcloths and walking etc. He was always depressed by commenting the community as a blind.

By counseling and frequent visits motivated the beneficiary for operation. There was three of visit made for convincing to his. During frequent visits village Sarpanch, also counseled to his. As there is no satisfactory support from the neighbors it has taken the lot of efforts in conveying the neighbors. After the hard efforts project team & Co-coordinator counseled & confident for her eye operation, finally his neighbor bought Inder singh to hospital for the operation. We did our best to take him to hospital by jeep with other selected clients in that camp was brought to hospital and successfully operated.

Even before organizing community-screening camp, our field workers were convincing him to undergo cataract operation. Because of his superstitious belief, poor economic condition, no source of income, old age was our challenging work. His neighbor was not cooperating with our field workers. But when community screening was organized in his village, obviously it is very tough job but the staff successful achievement on it.

Despite his superstitious belief, poor economic condition, no source of income, old age was factor, MMBA was able to bring Inder singh to hospital and she was successfully operated. Today, Inder singh leads an independent life, able to move freely and working alone his household cores.

He is very happy that his vision is recovered. he said, now he can care him self and one promising statement he made is now she will convinced to people for cataract operation, because she got a new life

His Neighbors and family was happy to see his moving independently. Because of MMBA constant effort, community promised us that they would convince to the cataract patient for cataract operation