Rehabilitation of a Disabled for a Year

Suggested Donation:  350,000

It takes lot of effort in terms of time and money to rehabilitate a disabled person. To rehabilitate a disabled person in a meaningful manner, Rs 3,50,000 are required. We earnestly appeal you to become our partner in this journey.



The condition of the disabled in Rajsthan is extremely deplorable. About 75 percent of the disabled are cut off from the services that are designed for their welfare. They are not even aware of these services. It is essential that they are linked with various rehabilitation activities so that their self-esteem is maintained.

We are working intensively on the disability since 2001. It takes lot of effort in terms of time and money to rehabilitate a disabled person. Our experience shows that to rehabilitate a disabled person in a meaningful manner, Rs 3,50,000 are required.

The problem is gigantic, and resources are scarce. But together we can do it. We earnestly appeal you to become our partner in this journey. Apart from getting rebate in taxes that you pay you also get best wishes from the disabled whom you have helped in rehabilitating.